Accepted Manuscripts:
Murph, A. C. Strait, J.D., Moran, K.R., Hyman, J.D., Viswanatha, H.S., and Stauffer, P.H. (2024). Sensitivity Analysis in the Presence of Intrinsic Stochasticity for Discrete Fracture Network Simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Machine Learning and Computation, 1, e2023JH000113.
Links: Manuscript. Zenodo Repository.
Murph, A.C., Strait, J.D., Moran, K.R., Hyman, J.D., & Stauffer, P.H. (2024) Visualisation and Outlier Detection for Probability Density Function Ensembles, Stat, 13(2), e662.
Links: Manuscript. CRAN Package.
Demuth, G., Storlie, C.B., Schaeferle, G., Wilson, P., Sunyang, F., Murph, A. C. , Ruan, X., Pringnitz, J., and Hongfang, L. (2023). A Joint Longitudinal Model for Ongoing Prediction of Post Surgical Complication Accepted to the Journal of the American Statistical Association.
Liu, Y., Hannig, J., and Murph, A. C. (2023). A Geometric Perspective on Bayesian and Generalized Fiducial Inference. Accepted to Statistical Sciences.
Links: Manuscript.
Hyman, J.D., Murph, A.C., Boampong, L., Navarre-Sitchler, A., Srinivasan, G., Carey, J.W., and Viswanathan, H.S. (2024). Determining the dominant factors for carbon mineralization in three-dimensional fracture networks, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 139, p. 104265, ISSN: 1750-5836. Links: Manuscript.
Murph, A. C., Hannig, J., and Williams, J. P. (2021). Introduction to Generalized Fiducial Inference. In J. Berger, X. Meng, N. Reid, & M. Xie (Eds.) Handbook of Bayesian, Fiducial, and Frequentist Inference (Ch. 13). Chapman & Hall.
Links: Manuscript. Code Repository.
Manuscripts in review/preparation:
Murph, A. C., Gibson, G.C., Amona E.B., Beesley, L., Castro, L.A., Del Valle, S., and Osthus, D. (202x). Synthetic Method of Analgues for Emerging Infectious Disease Forecasting. In review.
Murph, A. C., Hannig, J., and Williams, J. P. (202x). Generalized Fiducial Inference on Differentiable Manifolds. In review.
Links: Manuscript. Code Repository. Poster.
Murph, A.C., Storlie, C.B., Wilson, P.M., Williams, J.P., and Hannig, J. (202x). Bayes Watch: Bayesian Change-point Detection for Process Monitoring with Fault Detection. In review.
Links: Manuscript. CRAN Package. Poster at ICHI IEEE 10.
Murph, A.C., Gibson, G.C., VanDervort, L.B., Panda, N., Castro, L.A., Del Valle, S., and Osthus, D.A. (202x) Mapping Incidence and Prevalence Peak Data for SIR Forecasting Applications. In review. Links: Manuscript.
Lawrence, E.C., Murph, A.C., Vander Wiel, S, Liu, C, and Zhang, J. (202x) A New Method for Multinomial Inference using Dempster-Shafer Theory. In Review
Links: Manuscript.
Strait, J.D., Moran, K.R., Murph, A.C., Hyman, J.D., and Stauffer, P. (202x) Covariate-Informed Multi-Fidelity Bias Correction of Distributions, In Review.
Murph, A. C., Beesley, L., Gibson, G.C., Castro, L.A., Del Valle, S., and Osthus, D. (202x). EpiFFORMA: Disease-Agnostic Ensemble Weighting for Forecasting Emerging Epidemic Time Series without Historical Data. Late Draft.
Manuscripts appearing in journals with a non-statistical focus:
Murph, A. C., Flynt, A., King, B. R. (2021). Comparing finite sequences of discrete events with non-uniform time intervals, Sequential Analysis, 40(3), 291-313.
Links: Code Repository. CRAN Package. Poster.
Faden, E., Mitchel, A., Murph, A., Myers, T., and Ryan, N. C. (2021). Mr. Hulot’s Invisible Gorilla, Projections, 15(2), 1-29.
Links: Code Repository.
Successfully defended on April 21st, 2023 at UNC Chapel Hill. Advised by Jan Hannig, Jon P. Williams, and Curt Storlie. See: Manuscript and Presentation
Conference Presentations
Uncertainty Quantification in the Presence of Intrinsic Stochasticity for Multifidelity Discrete Fracture Network Simulations. Given at SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (2024) in Trieste, Italy. Presentation Slides.
Bayesian Change Point Detection for Mixed Data ith Missing Values. Given at IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics 10 (2022) in Rochester, MN. Poster.
Generalized Fiducial Inference on Riemannian Manifolds. Given at Bayesian, Fiducial, & Frequentist 7 (2022) in Toronto, Canada. Poster.
Comparing Finite Sequences of Discrete Events with Non-uniform Time Intervals. Given at The Classification Society Annual Meeting (2021) in Lewisburg, PA. Poster.